Every individual or legal person has the right to demand protection of their right or interest protected by law, which they believe have been violated by the activity or inaction of a public administration body. Every individual or legal person also has the right to point out specific deficiencies, especially violations of legal regulations, the elimination of which is the responsibility of the public administration body. In such a case, a person's submission has the character of a complaint, and it is processed by public administration bodies in such manner.
If a person's submission is to be processed as a complaint, it is necessary to comply with the formal requirements required by law, which are:
1) In the case of an individual:
- Name and surname of the complainant
- Address of permanent or temporary residence of the complainant
2) In the case of a legal entity:
- Name and registered office of the company
- Name and surname of the person authorized to act on behalf of the company
IMPORTANT!: If the complaint does not contain the above requirements, the public administration body will set aside the complaint.
Other requirements for the complaint, that must be observed, include:
- Readability and comprehensibility of the complaint
- It must be clear from the complaint who it is directed against, what deficiencies it points to and what the complainant is demanding
- The complaint must be signed!
A complaint can be filed:
- In writing:
By mail to the address
National Cancer Institute, Klenová 1, 833 10 Bratislava
Directly to the NCI office (Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. during workdays)
- By fax:
To the fax number +421 2 34 28 29 124
- Forms on the web portal
IMPORTANT!: A complaint submitted by fax or e-mail through a web form is considered to be submitted only if the complainant confirms it in writing with a signature within five working days from its submission, otherwise the complaint will be set aside.
The time limit for processing a complaint is 60 working days and begins to pass on the first working day following the day of delivery to the public administration body responsible for processing it.
The complaint is deemed as settled by sending a written notification about the result of its investigation to the complainant. The notice shall state whether the complaint is well-founded or unfounded.
Not every submission by an individual or natural person has the nature of a complaint. In the event that a person's submission is evaluated as "other submission", the National Oncology Institute will deal with such submission as so-called "other submission".